Friday, May 2, 2008

It's May which means strawberry season!

May's Harvest of the Month is strawberries!
Strawberries are in season right now abounding at farmer's markets and ripening in our school gardens.

What's so great about STRAWBERRIES??
(Aside from the fact that they taste DELICIOUS!)

Strawberries are loaded with vitamin C. Vitamin C helps keep you from getting sick, prevents bruises, is great for your skin and your heart. A strawberry even looks like a heart! What do you know!

Strawberries are the only fruit to have its seeds on the outside of the fruit (rather than the inside).

Most of the strawberries grown in the United States are grown right here in California!

Have a Berry Nice Day!!

Strawberry salad, strawberry pie,
Strawberry jam on wheat, sourdough or rye.
Strawberries with yogurt taste like a dream,
So sweet and refreshing just like ice cream,
Throw 'em in smoothies, to make a healthy shake,
Or in your batter for a sweet pancake,
Strawberries on your cereal add quite a zing,

Strawberries in your oatmeal will make your taste buds sing,
Strawberries for breakfast, strawberries for lunch,
Strawberries for dinner or even just to munch!
There is no end to what you can create
When strawberries are what is on your plate!
Poem by Chef Shira

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