Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Soda Free Summer

As the weather gets warmer, keep your body cool with plenty of liquids.
An ice-cold tall glass of water will always do the job to keep you feeling refreshed.
But if you feel the need for something cold and sweet, don't pick up a can of soda...
because this summer is a SODA FREE SUMMER!

Are you up for the challenge?

Visit the Soda Free Summer website. There you can find healthier drinks to keep your body cool and some sugar facts that will make you rethink your drink.

Did you know that one 20 oz. bottle of Coca-Cola has 16 teaspoons of sugar in it? Try to measure that one out!

Drinking too much sugar in soda can:
- make you feel quickly energized until your body "crashes"
- cause weight gain
- ruin your teeth
- even cause diabetes!

Stay healthy by drinking:
- low-fat milk
- soy milk
- 100% fruit juice (juice has plenty of sugar too, so don't drink too much!)
- fresh fruit smoothies
- and more!

Keeping your body healthy isn't the only reason to stay away from soda this summer. If you commit to a soda free summer, you could win a $500 healthy grocery shopping spree! Click here to fill out the commitment and raffle form. Think about all the fruits and vegetables you could get! Good luck!

Monday, June 9, 2008

What's Cooking at the Farmer's Market

Farmer Eleazar with farm-fresh strawberries.

Farmer's markets are the best places to find the tastiest seasonal produce growing right now in California. When you shop at the farmer's market, you are not only buying the freshest and most nutritious produce around, but you are directly supporting local farmers!

Longwood, Burbank, and Park schools are lucky enough to have a certified farmer's market on campus, making it easy for students, families, and even teachers to buy fresh, organic produce.

Chef Eva and Chef Shira made the following quick and easy recipe with produce all from the farmer’s market at Longwood Elementary School! Click on the link below for the recipe.

Summer Swiss Chard Rolls

Look at these photos from the Burbank farmer's market: colorful as a rainbow!

We got the beet!

What can you cook with this produce?

Check out the farmer's market closest to you:

Hayward Farmer's Markets

Downtown Hayward Market
Saturdays 9AM - 1PM
Main Street, between A and B Streets

Kaiser Farmer's Market
Wednesdays 10AM - 2PM
27400 Hesperian Blvd.

Park Elementary School (beginning mid-July - August)
Tuesdays 1-4 PM
411 Larchmont Street

Longwood Elementary School (during school year)
Tuesdays 1-4 PM
850 Longwood Avenue

Burbank Elementary School (during school year)
Tuesdays 1-4 PM
353 B Street

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Burbank Smoothies

To celebrate warmer weather, healthy bodies, and the end of the school year, students from Burbank made Tootie-Fruitie Smoothies in cooking class. While the smoothies were blending up, cooking teams worked together to come up with their own smoothie recipes, complete with creative smoothie names. There were many interesting, healthy ingredients, including grapes, watermelon, carrot, and cantaloupe.

If Burbank school had a smoothie shop, here's what the menu would look like:

My Fruitie Smoothie
Strawberry Blast
Tennyson Smoothie
Fruit Passion
Blueberry Blast
Universe Smoothie
Super Fruit Splash
Groovy Smoothie
Pink Fruitie Smoothie
Tropical Smoothie
Pink Skittle
Super Super Crazy Smoothies

Do any of these smoothies sound yummy to you? Can you guess what ingredients are in each recipe?

Did your cooking team come up with one of these recipes?